No. This is not a typo
referencing the 1966 (by the way I wasn't born yet) Haley Mills
comedy. Well, maybe the title is but that's not what this month's
blog is about.
I remember as a child
noticing how water warped my drinking straws. It's called refraction
(Thanks, Kelly) I remember running to find other things to plunge
into my drinking glass with a sadistic sort of glee rendering it
undrinkable and extracting a strange glare from my mother when she
saw what I was doing. “Kid Magic” is what I call prisms,
shadows, fireflies, or anything that bewitches a child's mind into an
enchanting world of wonder until the school system calls it Science
and tells you that you will be tested and graded on it. Anyway, I
noticed early on in life that your perception depends on your angle
(and sadly sometimes your attitude) For example the angle at which
you observe a perfectly round coaster on a table from directly above
verses eye level with the table two totally different perspectives on
the exact same object. If I can easily stand up and see a perfect 360
degree coaster and squat down to see it turn into an oval then I
should be able to easily change my perspective on other things non
physical. I find myself snorting and chuckling at that last sentence.
That is definitely the trouble with angles. Motivating oneself to
move or shift your aspect. One of the biggest challenges for me is
my change in attitude. My history of EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not
Otherwise Specified), SI (self injury), and depression does play a
role in my demeanor of negativity (especially to myself). My goal
next month is to try to redirect myself and change my view and once
again find my “Kid Magic”
I reread my January blog
entry about becoming a better me and to be honest, I have been
slacking. To combat this backsliding I have given myself an
assignment of doing something I enjoyed as a kid every day. Whether
it's something simple like wearing miss matched socks, or just
coloring a picture or something dramatic like wearing a fancy
princess-like dress for no other reason than going to the grocery
store. I will try to write in my journal about it every day or week
and blog about it next month. I hope doing these little things will
help me to change my outlook on things.
If there is one thing “Kid
Magic” has taught me, it is that things are not always what they
seem. Refract some items in your life and look at it anew. Some
things aren't as stale and dull as you may have once thought. Take
some time to see the many facets of life. The rainy day may bring
dark clouds but the mud pies are fantastic! Take the time to shift,
reflect, and grow.